Managing Amazing People (MAP) Training

Managers play a critical and often under-supported role in organizations. Many managers realize they must shift from doing work to getting work done through others. But they are not solely responsible for growing and developing people. Conflicts between their boss’s expectations and their people’s needs are common. They juggle extra work that challenges their ability to provide direction and feedback to others. Popular trends in team-based work and becoming Agile confuse how managers engage. Showing up as clear, connected, and curious as a manager in a fast-changing world requires new skills and techniques.

The words "Clear, Curious, Connected" over a paint-splashed background.Managers hear they should be coaches for their people. But front-line managers and supervisors cannot ignore their role in evaluating work performance. The key to creating accountability starts with setting and clarifying expectations. Leaders at all levels struggle to give direction and respond well to their people’s reactions. Managers get good at alignment conversations that bring out people’s concerns and mobilize commitment. They can use the same skills to manage up and collaborate with peers to create networks of support. Burnout does not have to be part of the manager’s job.

The manager role has evolved more in the past three years than in the previous twenty. Learning to use authority well brings up insecurities around power and relationships with others. Great managers recognize that their role comes with greater control and influence and use it to create positive change. They realize that being successful as a manager is not as simple as “hire great people and trust them.” Effective managers hold their people and themselves accountable for delivering the right results in the right way.

Managing Amazing People brings critical tools, techniques, skills, and ideas from professional coaching, brain-based training, neuroscience, leadership, change management, and much more to help front-line managers and supervisors succeed.

This course is designed for anyone who

  • Is accountable for their people’s results and wants to have positive, productive relationships with them
  • Needs to have hard conversations about expectations, performance, and feedback without micromanaging
  • Feels themselves burning out trying to juggle one-on-ones, meetings, and other work commitments
  • Wants to collaborate better with their peers and the people who own Process, Product, Project, Technology, and Customer Interface
  • Feels torn between their boss and their people and wishes they were better at managing up and down in their organization
  • Is tired of hearing that “management is bad” and wants to help people grow and develop
  • Enjoys learning and pushing themselves in a fun and exciting environment, with exercises based on your real challenges

Learning Objectives

  • Learn the increasing scope of leadership roles and how to clarify your role with your boss and your people
  • Explain the challenges that traditional management approaches face and why a different approach is needed for better results
  • Learn how to use power and influence to provide direction and create patterns of collaboration and productivity
  • Practice setting and clarifying expectations and addressing accusations of micromanagement
  • Apply a technique for receiving feedback (including complaints and escalations) to improve your leadership behavior
  • Learn how to build effective working relationships without delving into people’s private lives
  • Dispel common Agile Leadership Myths to address real people management challenges

  • Explore supporting people through change efforts, addressing change fatigue, and influencing change sponsors
  • Apply an approach to build networks of mutual support with peers and stakeholders
  • Practice an approach to coach, provide feedback, and work through challenges while mentoring someone who is not like you
  • Experience how to be clear, connected, and curious as a leader during challenging conversations
  • Explore “no win” situations and systems you can’t change
  • Demonstrate how to deal with underperformance and be clear when it may lead to firing someone
  • Establish and refine a leadership vision to apply when you return to work

Managing Amazing PeopleWho Should Attend

  • Front-line managers and supervisors
  • Leads who are moving into management roles
  • Leaders responsible for helping managers succeed

What to Expect

We take training and learning seriously. We respect the investment of both time and money that you are making to advance your skills. As such, we use the latest training approaches and techniques. We also bring energy and fun to ensure you have the best possible experience and learn as much as possible. In this course, you can expect:

  • Brain-friendly training. We design our classes to dramatically increase learning and retention. This is true even for our virtual classes! We know some people have had bad experiences with virtual training – just watching piles of videos or listening as people click through slides. In all of our classes, we work through in-depth exercises throughout the course in small groups.
  • A focus on your real-world situations. You’ll work with others on real challenges you’re facing in your organization.
  • Playfulness and fun! This material is important, but that doesn’t mean it has to dull. Play helps to create a safer space to learn, and laughter increases engagement and retention.
  • Two instructors. Managing Amazing People is co-taught by two instructors, each with their own experiences and perspectives. The combination leads to additional depth and insights, as well as real-time lessons around partnership and mutual support. Even for virtual classes, we provide a live, instructor-led, and interactive learning experience.
  • A color, in-depth course workbook and materials shipped to you. We have many students reach out to thank us for something “real” in a virtual world.


Length & Level

  • Length: Two full days (in-person) or four half-days (virtual) + a 2-hour online follow-up session thirty days later
  • Level: Any degree of experience with people management
  • Format: Most of our classes are virtual. If you want in-person training at your location, please get in touch with us to discuss options.


Experience being a front-line manager/supervisor with direct reports or a team/functional lead responsible for mentoring others to deliver results. If you have any questions regarding your experience and qualification to take the course, ask!

Contact Us or Sign Up for a Public Class

Contact us to schedule a time to answer your questions or see a sample of how our virtual training works. Or feel free to download a PDF of the Course Brochure to review or share with someone.

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We schedule some workshops based on demand, so please add your name to our Waitlist. Adding your name to our waitlist will allow us to notify you when we schedule one. This allows us to gauge interest and schedule a course sooner.