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Five Lenses & Levers of Leadership

Wednesday, August 10, 2022 @ 10:00 am — 11:00am (MDT)

Five high voltage switches on the wall

Leadership is a social process that enables individuals to work together as a cohesive group to produce collective results – results they could not achieve working as individuals. Leadership is not the exclusive domain of those “leaders” appointed by the organization. This session introduces five ways to analyze a situation where a group would benefit from more leadership and five corresponding areas for action regardless of your role in the group. Bring a challenging situation you are dealing with and discover what options for action you have.

Organizers: Paul Tevis

Please note: All of our Learning Labs are interactive sessions using Zoom and Miro. They are not just us talking to a slideshow. We invite all participants to collaborate on a virtual whiteboard (Miro) and engage in conversations with us and each other. While you are welcome to join in audio-only mode, it will be a challenge to participate, and you may not get much out of the session. Because these sessions are interactive, we do not record them. If you are not familiar with Miro, you can learn more at academy.miro.com.