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What’s so Trendy About Agile Transformations That Everyone Goes Wild Over Them?

Monday, July 25, 2022 @ 1:00 pm — 2:00pm (MDT)

We will be exploring the idea of agile transformations throughout this session. I”ll be doing some informal polling at Agile 2022 the week prior and will be looking for information from you. What is so trendy? What is the hope and the dream? We will start off by asking you (and we have one as well) what “agile transformation” means to you. Have you been part of one? How did it go? Where did you go? What questions do you have about agile transformations?

We will be looking at what they are supposed to be, what they sometimes are, why people embark on them, and are hey the best option. It is easy to just say yes do them or no don’t. But the more valuable approach is likely more about the why. Why do you want to do one or not want to do one?

Organizers: Jake Calabrese

Please note: All of our Learning Labs are interactive sessions using Zoom and Miro. They are not just us talking to a slideshow. We invite all participants to collaborate on a virtual whiteboard (Miro) and engage in conversations with us and each other. While you are welcome to join in audio-only mode, it will be a challenge to participate, and you may not get much out of the session. Because these sessions are interactive, we do not record them. If you are not familiar with Miro, you can learn more at academy.miro.com.