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Why Believing in People as a Leader is Harder and Trickier Than It Appears

Friday, September 9, 2022 @ 10:00 am — 11:00am (MDT)

One of the most important aspects of being a leader or coach is believing in the people you are helping. A frame for doing this is to know that they are creative and intelligent. While the concept is simple, in practice it can be far more challenging because truly believing people are creative and intelligent goes far beyond simply saying it. We don’t simply “believe in people” and we are done.

This session will dive into the concept itself, what it means at many levels, and how the idea takes continuous learning over time to continue to “get it” at new levels. Additionally, we will explore what happens when leaders think they believe in people but actually don’t. This can be one of the most challenging situations because the leaders truly believe they are helping people. Instead, they may be pushing people to an unsafe space and/or manipulating them. Expect to explore all these concepts and apply them to your reality. We will consider options that can help you see where you are, look for new levels of depth, and avoid some of the worst-case scenarios.

Organizers: Jake Calabrese

Please note: All of our Learning Labs are interactive sessions using Zoom and Miro. They are not just us talking to a slideshow. We invite all participants to collaborate on a virtual whiteboard (Miro) and engage in conversations with us and each other. While you are welcome to join in audio-only mode, it will be a challenge to participate, and you may not get much out of the session. Because these sessions are interactive, we do not record them. If you are not familiar with Miro, you can learn more at academy.miro.com.