Training & Coaching Services
We partner with people, teams, and leaders in organizations to help them reach their goals, take things to the next level, and solve tough challenges. We know that organizations and their people are unique. We also know that there are common challenges and patterns. Our services focus on three key areas that all align. Your customers want products they love and you need effective processes to deliver to them. Your people are the foundation of your processes, your products, and your service to customers.

Customers & Products
You will never have enough time or people to do everything you want. To succeed, you need to understand your purpose and the value that you deliver for your customers. You need to make sure what people are working on actually aligns with that purpose. The work throughout the organization must be visible if you want people to make sound business decisions. People often say that this sounds obvious. We agree, it is obvious – but how to do it often is not.
Our offerings include
- Product Management Training
- Product Owner (CSPO) Training
- Project to Product Transition Workshops
- Agile Project Management Training
- Prioritization Workshops
- Product Roadmap Workshops
- Product Management Coaching

Agile Delivery [Scrum-Kanban-Scrumban]
Agile is only a means to an end. Effective organizations understand what value they provide to their customers and how. They make their value streams transparent. They equip their teams to quickly identify when and where work gets stuck. They engage their teams to improve their processes. Doing this sounds straightforward, but – as you know – it rarely is.
Our offerings include
- Scrum Team Training
- ScrumMaster (CSM) Training
- Kanban & Scrumban Training
- Agile Kickoff Workshops
- Advanced ScrumMaster (A-CSM) Training
- Agile Accelerator Programs
- Agility Coaching
- Team Coaching

Leadership, People, & Change
Most of your organization’s problems are not about product or process. There’s no question that aligning your organizational product priorities and improving your delivery processes is critical. To do these effectively, you have to engage your people and help them collaborate on organizational problems. In our experience, this change is the hardest part.
Our offerings include
- Leading Amazing Teams Training
- Managing Amazing People Training
- Leadership Accelerator Programs
- Change Leadership Training
- Facilitation Training
- Leadership Circle Profile Assessments
- Leadership and Team Workshops
Let’s Talk
You may need help in one of these areas – or more than one. Let us know if you’d like to chat about your ideas, questions, or needs. We are always up for conversations and answering tough questions.