Scaling an agile transformation beyond a few teams requires engaging middle management. Yet a common issue arises: agile coaches sideline middle management in agile transformations and tell them to simply trust the teams. Managers are not clear about their role in the transformation or how to do their jobs.
Allison Pollard
Should you host an Open Space Session?
Open Space was inspired by the hallway conversations that occurred at traditional conferences. Open Space needs people who will propose and host sessions. The question is: if you’re attending an Open Space event, should YOU host a session?
How to Facilitate a Large Open Space Event

Open Space events can be a great way to organize a large group of people to quickly and effectively address the issues that matter to them. People often leave amazed at how much they learned or accomplished, especially when the event started with an empty agenda. You probably loved an event you attended and now are wondering how to facilitate open space with a large group. Open space can be used within a company or community conference.
Jake and I have both facilitated open space events with 100-1000+ attendees. There is a lot of preparation that goes into making the event go smoothly—in advance of the event and the day-of. There’s more to facilitating open space than walking around a circle and explaining the principles!
Agile Estimates Don’t Mean Anything on Their Own!